Channel: JackConteExtras
Category: Music
Tags: pomplamoosealternative musicla musiciansmusiciansyoutube musiclive musiccoverbehind the scenesu2 coverjack conteindie musicnataly dawnu2still haven't found what i'm looking forbtsbonopomplamoose youtubevocalistyoutube musiciansbrian greennick campbellkt tunstallkt tunstall livecover songyoutube pomplamoosepatreonzero sevenguitarbassben rosesinger songwriteri still haven't found what i'm looking forvocalsdrumsu2 songs
Description: Behind the scenes with my band @PomplamooseMusic as we recorded with the very talented @kttunstallofficial in LA. We recorded a cover of U2's Still haven't found what I'm looking for. If you want to watch the actual music video to this recording you can find it here: A huge thank you to KT Tunstall who brought her amazing rocky vocal to this track. The band were: Nataly Dawn - vocals Jack Conte - keys Brian Green- guitar Nick Campbell - bass Ben Rose - drums #Pomplamoose #KTTunstall #U2 ------------------------------ I will be making a lot more music videos with both my bands Pomplamoose and Scary Pockets. Subscribe to my channel to learn more ------------------------------ If you want to watch more of my videos here are some of my latest. Patreon CEO shares his epic failures Recording 40 songs in one day How my band @PomplamooseMusic records 5 songs in a day How to increase productivity He got REJECTED ------------------------------ Follow me Twitter Instagram ----------------------------- Watch more amazing @PomplamooseMusic Credit: Executive Producer - Joe Smith Senior Editor/Producer - John Picklap